Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Drunken Dreams and Karaoke Nights..

It's been a while since I posted. Almost a month, there are a few reasons why. But nothing that's important. The truth is, it's almost my birthday. My 15th birthday, ey? Who would've thought that things would be this crazy? Honestly, let's reflect on what happened last year.

Last year at this time, I created the GossipGirl blog. I was a high school freshman at STC. And I made one, just one. I feel like I should be clearing the air on this because some folks still believe that I created multiply blogs although I did not. I made one. The first one. I deleted it already but then, RumorQueen resurfaced and I remade the blog, but it's useless. So don't even bother bashing on it.

Last year at this time, I was angry. Angry at everything. Angry at my Mom for not spending time with me. Angry at my sister for constantly barading me about my weight. I was angry at my supposed friends who would stab me behind my back and make fun of me because of my weight.

Last year at this time, I just wanted to get away.