Thursday, July 17, 2008

There's nothing lamer then a fake ami.

You know what I've been thinking? I've been thinking of the numerous times that I feel invisible. I constantly feel invisible. And I don't know why. A simple request cannot be done. A simple question cannot be answered. And a simple task cannot be done. We all get that feeling. We all feel like we're invisible and that no one notices us. The thing is, it's always like that. Everywhere, we all feel like we should be noticed, like we have to be the center. It's at that moment when we feel like we're not invisible, when we feel like we belong is the only time we feel good about ourselves. That feeling keeps us grounded. It keeps us sane.

In case you haven't noticed, those without friends, those who are alone, feel the worst. Feel invisible. They're sad. They feel like an outcast and they feel like they don't belong. Some still feel like that even when they're with "friends". They still feel like they don't belong. They still feel like an outcast. It's not something to enjoy. It's the worst.

You may be wondering, how do I know how this feels? It's simple, I was one of those girls who was without friends, who was an outcast. I had a "friends". Well, these "friends" constantly stabbed me in the back and I always felt like an outcast.

I had a good set of friends at the beginning of the school year. Then one of the girls started hating me because of my I was a perfectionist. And well, then it got weird. And awkward, after that it felt like they were keeping stuff from me. And I've had that feeling before.

I have this 6th sense. I gained it when I was in 4th Grade. This 6th sense of mine, well, I can tell when things are going on, like when I'm not wanted or when they have a secret they refuse to tell me even if it concerns all of us. I know these things, and it's just obvious.

You know what, I'll just get straight to the point, include everyone, be nice, never judge based on looks alone or on their "social standing". Give respect if you want respect. Seriously, don't let that inner bitch out. A lot of people don't deserve it.


janesimmons said...

Oftentimes how we feel inside affects the way we think and act. Feelings can be misleading. Some people feel fat when they're obviously not. Some people feel superior over others when they're not! When we let our feelings take the lead, it can get us in trouble (unexpected pregnancies, anyone?). Bad feelings, when allowed to diminate our lives, can lead us into a downward spiral of self-hate. When you're unhappy with who you are you can't expect others to blike being around you. When Lolo was younger he wasn't so self-absorbed. Now that he has nothing to do he thinks about his aches and pains all the time. It's all he talks about. It's as if his entire life is nothing more than his aches and pains. I'd like to think of my life as divided into several slices, like a large pie.Each slice is just as important as the other. My life is bigger than just one slice.
I hope nobody in your school sees this blog. I don't want them to think that you're whiny. You shouldn't be too transparent. When people know too much about you they won't respect you. It may not be obvious to them that they don't respect you but eventually you'll be able to tell.
Relative to how large the universe is, we are indeed almost invisible, smaller than a speck of dust. But for the people who love you, especially your family, you exist. You're not invisible.
It's not easy being a teenager. Of course you want to be liked and accepted by everyone. But you have to be be a friend to yourself first. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. When you treat yourself well people can't help respecting you because you walk with confidence like you're somebody important. I'm sorry but you can't expect people to respect anyone who doesn't take care of herself. That's life. I didn't make the rules.
So, what's the first rule of friendship?
Be a good friend. Listen and don't repeat other peoples confidences. So what if other people do it?
Don't say anything about anyone that will someday come back to haunt you.
It's ok to talk about your problems once in a while but not all the time. That's what journals are for.
Everybody has problems, fears and insecurities. So-called reality shows about bad girls, mean girls are just about people with small lives and smaller brains.
I love you.