Sunday, February 15, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

I am the rule. I am not the exception. I am the rule. I don't get the guy who goes out of his way just to make sure that you know how he feels. Nope. I get the one that's just hoof and blah and doesn't care. How did I come to this realization exactly? I watched an amazing movie called He's Just Not That Into You starring, the people you can see in that poster. Haha. Anywhosies, the movie in itself will teach you so much. Surprisingly. I actually thought it was going to be lame, but it's a self-help book turned movie, and it does help you a lot. It does. It did teach me a lot as well. But, I need to find my "Alex". I haven't found him. I think every girl deserves their "Alex". Alex is a character played by the awesome and totally hot Justin Long. Five stars goes to He's Just Not That Into You.


LV said...

I want "Alex" as my date to Winter Ball.