Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Outfit? Ooer!

Ok, I haven't updated since the elections. But, now, it's time to start updating. I haven't done that in a really long time. It feels pretty nice. Ok, people of the internet, look at that outfit! Pure fabbity fab eh?! I kind of wish I could mix up some jell-o then have it. It does sound yummy. Haha. Anywho, I do need your help people of the internet. I usually don't expose what goes on in my personal life, but this is an exception because, well, it is.

There's this guy that I may or may not like. I'm really confused. I've known him since the beginning of the school year. I just don't know. It's confusing. He's seen me in my most vulnerable states. for example, when my Mom left for the airport, I cried for so long and I called him. He just listened to me cry and told me that everything was going to be alright. I even asked him to come over while he was eating dinner. He ended up not eating dinner and ended up just talking to me. After, I told him I was going to call my Mom first and say that I wanted her to come home and extend for three months. And he told me to breathe first because he said that he didn't think that it would make my Mom happy if I called her and I was crying. She ended up extending for three more months. I called him and we both ended up talking for so long. Like, when I can't sleep, I call him and we talk for so long. One time, we fell asleep talking to each other. Then apparently I made an unintelligible sound and it woke him up and then he woke me up saying What? What? I'm awake! Then we fell asleep again. Haha. I remember because he fell asleep on his keyboard apparently. I don't know if I like him. Because the last time I told a guy that I liked him, he turned me down. I don't want that to happen again. What do you think?

It may not sound confusing on your end. But it is VV confusing on my end. This isn't exactly something I do very often so please take that into consideration. SERIOUSLY.
