Monday, May 11, 2009

I wish...

I wish that I was introduced to death at a younger age. Just so I knew how to deal with it when I got older.

I know it's been nearly 3 weeks since it happened. But I haven't really known how to talk about it properly. But, JJ, I really miss you.

I hope that you know that. People are a lot happier now. That's for sure. But there is still an air of tension. We miss you a lot. We know you're in a better place now. I'm writing you a screenplay. It's pretty much, about you. And what happened after. I hope you don't mind.

We love you. <3


Erika Delgado said...

I was truly introduced in 9th grade.
It's not great.
Never is, you just have to keep on living.
You have to.
Just you can and will never forget.