Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day, November 4, 2008

Well people, today is the day. Today is Election Day, and I hope to God that people vote NO on Prop 8. Prop 8 says you want to eliminate Gay Marriage and that's fucking stupid, not to mention the fact that it is unfair and wrong. This will eliminate all equality throughout the California and that's wrong. Look, the ads put up on TV about Yes on Prop 8 are wrong, they won't be teaching it in school at all, nothing will change except for the fact that Gay Marriage will be allowed. People, VOTE NO ON PROP 8. Secondly, today we vote for a new president that will be inaugurated on January 20, 2009. Right now Obama is leading with a nine point lead in the polls with McCain lagging at around 41% and Obama at 50%. The time is now people, we need to go out and vote. Vote for the right choice. VOTE FOR OBAMA. Now, let me tell you why you should do so, Obama wants to pull out of Iraq, now in Iraq we have that infamous war, and we're wasting money on it. Also, because of the Iraq war, our economy is going down. WAY DOWN, and it's because we spend billions of dollars per month on the Iraq war, which is a waste of money! So please, VOTE OBAMA. He's the right choice.