Saturday, November 1, 2008

Roman Cavalry Choirs Are Singing.

Sorry if I haven't posted in a while. I've been really busy with sophomore year. It's driving me insane. Not to mention the fact that the election is drawing closer and closer as each day goes by. So, lately school has been really hectic, and so is the Forensics Team, also known as speech and debate. It's CRAZY! Well, at my last tournament, my speech partner and I won 5th place!It was awesome. That guy to the right, is my totally awesome speech partner Jason Pun and well, the girl is well duh, me! Haha. Well, lately boys are way off my head. Sort of.

Well, at my high school there's sort of this unspoken rule where sophomores and up should make fun of freshman, except for the occasional freshman, who everybody will accept as OK.

I'm not going to deny it, some freshman are pretty cool, but the thing is, there's this ONE PARTICULAR FRESHMAN, that has kind of caught my eye. And well, he's a year younger than me, and well, I haven't been able to get him out of my head. It's weird.

Usually I don't have dreams about guys, like where we're in a relationship, but this time, I did! Lately I've been having LOTS of dreams about him. It's strange and unusual and it's kind of strange! God, I have no idea what to do! SOMEONE HELP ME!