Tuesday, February 26, 2008

drugs, booze and the evening news.

Hi. My name's Amanda Balagot. And this is my life. I've recently just moved to California. I migrated here from the Philippines. Im currently living with my dad Jess Balagot.

There are a lot of reasons why I moved here, and now, I think i'm ready to tell the world why I wanted to move back here.

  • I honestly DESPISED the Philippines for everything it stood for. I hated the way it looked and how conservative it was. It was to much for me to handle.
  • I didn't like how stereotypical some people are. Like if you speak english well, they'll mark you as an "inglesera" or they'll act like your best friend.
  • I hated how hot it was. I praised my Mom every time she's take us to Baguio. Felt like being in South San Francisco.
  • I hated the way how some people talked. Like when they would speak english, it would be impossible to understand them. =
  • I had to leave, cause i created ONE blog. That showed a bit of gossip within my life, then, i got an e-mail from a _____ sender giving a list of girls who were together who had broken up and who liked who. I was stupid enough to copy paste it from the e-mail and put it up. It was stupid and i'm sorry for what i did.
  • It felt like everybody despised me. So i thought, "if i'm living in a place where nobody likes me, why am i here?" I longed for a place where people were like me. Where nobody would judge me for who i am. I wanted to go back.
  • I had friends. Some real, some fake. I had few real friends. But i had many "FAKE" friends.
  • In other simple words, I was tired with my life in the Philippines and I wanted a new one. I wanted to start over...
Now you know. Now please, do me a favor, and don't judge me for this. These are my thoughts, my emotions, and my opinions. So whatever you do, just read and understand. DON'T JUDGE. I'm sure whoever is reading this barely knows me.