Tuesday, February 26, 2008

why does every moment have to be so hard?

I'm not one who usually complains about their friends but sometimes, it just really crosses the line. I mean yeah, we can be silly a little gross. Actually, a lot gross but that's who we are. BUT IT CROSSES THE LINE A LOT. It's just, manners please, we're in public! Stop announcing the fact that you have to fart or just burping really loud, OUT OF NO WHERE. It's nasty. VERY NASTY. I don't see why I can't tell my friends this. GRRR.

I'm sick today. So, I texted my friend daring her to tell this guy that I liked him. It was a joke and I told her that yet she still went ahead and did it. GOD. I told her not to. What kind of friend does that? What kind of friend goes behind your back and tells your secret?! I feel like I have to do some sort of damage control! UGH! I'm just, REALLY REALLY pissed. And tired. I don't know what to do anymore. . .Help please.