Friday, February 29, 2008

i'm thinking awful thoughts but i'm pretty sure few would notice.

I think it's my time. I think it's time for me to die. Yeah. That's about it. I want to die. I mean honestly, what's the point? My dad is a pompous jackass who doesn't deserve to be my father. I don't even love the guy. Tsss. The only people I don't want to leave is my family & friends. But, I think that they'd be better off without me. Yeah. That's true. It's not like they understand what goes on in my mind. It's not like they're ever gonna know. I love them yeah, but I don't think they need me. They're obviously not proud of me. All they do is say how fat I am and how much I need to lose weight. They bitch on me about my grades constantly so what's the point? I used to be happy. But that girl just isn't there anymore. I'm not happy with who I am. I'm always being put down. And death will solve all of this. It really will.