Thursday, August 27, 2009


My boyfriend is great. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It's been a tough first two days back at school. I've been exhausted and annoyed. Only one thing is keeping me sane. That thing is a person. That person is - Peacock. I did not come up with the name. I really didn't. So, don't blame me if you think it's weird in any aspect at all. But, if that person ever reads this, thank you for keeping me sane. Even though I'm about to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge out of insanity. :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


There are only 9 days of summer left. This really sucks.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's Cold and It's Broken.

So, I was eating dinner at Bellini's and there was a television. On the television, it was the funeral of Former President Cory Aquino. I felt guilty watching her funeral because I never attended JJ's memorial service and I felt like I should have. I saw her coffin and I thought of JJ in his coffin. I should have gone. I feel like shit for not going. Instead, I went to the mall with my friends because I thought that I couldn't deal with going. But I should've just braved the storm and went.

I'm sorry I didn't go to your memorial service JJ. I should've gone and I didn't. I am so sorry.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Idiot Girl.

I've heard plenty of foul things. Given, a lot were during election season about President Obama. But NEVER say anything about Former President Cory Aquino, wife of Benigno Aquino, Jr. NEVER. She had the cajones to go into the snap election against Marcos and win. Hell, I'm pretty sure no one else had the will power to do what she did. HELL NO. During her presidency she got past 7 coup attempts . She was the FIRST female president of the Philippines. I can't believe someone would say this about her, days after she died.

Click the image to see it larger.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Up or Down?

As a little girl I had a Barbie playhouse. It was my favorite thing in the whole entire world. I loved it so much that when I moved to the Philippines at a tender age of 7, I had it shipped to the Philippines just so I could keep playing with it. Today, I gave it away to my younger cousin; she's turning 9 this September. I regret giving it to her because, I feel like just lost a huge part of my childhood. I'm not sure if it's a step towards growing up or a step to losing a part of who I am.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

So Catch Me Up I'm Getting Out Of Here.

I've been listening to New Perspective by Panic at the Disco. IT IS AWESOME. I can totally relate to the lyrics and it's so easy on the ears and it sounds great. It's a dynamite song.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


New hair! Gotta get my bangs evened out though. Strange stylist.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Honestly, I really hate sounding whiny or bratty but, I want to go shopping! I know, I just bought new shoes but it seems incomplete. I love Topshop to death and there is no Topshop on the entire West Coast. Online shopping is a pain and I'm gonna miss Topshop when I get back so, I have absolutely every plan of going to Topshop and buying as much stuff as possible. Sides, school is almost starting. A new wardrobe sounds mighty fabulous!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


My niece is way cool.


Friday, July 24, 2009


Today, I bought new shoes at Topshop. What did you do? ;D

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Late Night Doodle at 3:30AM


Once again..

I got bored.

I am lame.

Hi. Meet my brother Brian in doodle form.

This is him in real life.


It's been several days AFTER my birthday. I am 16 now. And it doesn't feel any different. Part of me truly does forget the fact that I am 16. It doesn't feel like it. But anyways I'm STILL here in Manila. It STILL sucks. Ugh. I love my high-waisted wide length trousers from Topshop. They are very rad. I love love love them. Unfortunately, my Mother, removed the hemming of one pant leg by "accident". Therefore, one pant leg is longer than the other. Although they weren't on sale, they were pretty cheap. Yay! Either way, I do have to get them a bit shortened.


Monday, July 20, 2009

A taste?

Finally going to reveal something I've been working on for a while now. Mostly planning, but now I'm putting it to work.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I guess photo shop can do anything..

Photo shop can even make my nerdy, plays with Transformers, 23 year old brother into something cool.


Nothing to do. Now what?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Found this randomly.

Don't remember this picture AT ALL. Just found it on my laptop. I think it looks pretty. :)


It is 5:34AM here in Manila, Philippines and I can't sleep for shit. But hey, now I can do rounded edges on Photoshop. ;D

3 Bars & 100's of Friendly, Furry Guys

I am really bad at coming up with names. But, this is New Year's Eve at the Castro. Enjoy.

Blank Expressions


Friday, July 17, 2009

Untitled 2

From 12/2008 but I like it. I hope you do to. P.S. I don't even remember taking this picture.

Late Night Doodle at 4AM

I've never shown my drawings to the public. Here is one. Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Church - ugh.

Hailing from the Philippines going to mass was the most important thing. But in all honesty, I never really saw the point in going to mass. Some say it's an obligation. I say, it's a waste of my time. Why is that? I guess it's cause my parents always forced me to go to church. They pretty much forced me to do something i didn't want to do. And, we all know how well that turned out. [Hint of sarcasm.]

Going to mass for me is pointless. People may see it as something that we should do, but for me, I'll go when I want to or when I feel like it. I won't go cause I have to, I'll go when I want to. I'm not giving up on my religion or am I saying that going to mass sucks. I'm saying it's pointless and I have no reason to be there. That is what my personal opinion. Going to mass isn't as important to me as it is for some people. I should be given a choice on whether I want to go to mass or not. It's just not fair that my parents are forcing me to do something I don't want to do. If I want to go to mass then I'll go if I don't want to, then I won't. NOBODY SHOULD BE FORCED TO DO SOMETHING THAT THEY DON'T WANT TO DO.

Honestly, the more we force people to do something, the more they rebel. Just let people be. Is it honestly that hard?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This reminds me about how much I haven't been baking. I haven't been baking in forever. OK, all summer. I haven't done much photography either. It makes me feel guilty. I'm not sure why, but it does. Gah. This Saturday, I will bake. I am going to bake a cake. Not sure what kind of cake, but I will bake a cake nevertheless. A birthday cake for my cousin. She is awesome. HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!

I had to. :D

Monday, July 6, 2009

You know..

I'm happy that I'm finally making an effort to go out this summer. Usually, I don't give a rats ass about anything and just say eff that, I'm staying the fuck home. But no, not this year. I'm seeing people, I'm enjoying myself. Of course not all the time, but I'm still enjoying myself nevertheless. I went out with C today. I met him about four years ago during a cello class. Right then and there, I thought he was the cutest guy ever. But then, we stopped talking after a long time. Meaning, when I moved back to San Francisco. But, now we're talking again. It feels pretty good. He's a great friend and that's what really matters to me. But of course, part of me wishes we were a little bit more. DUH. So, we had brunch at the Pancake House, the original plan was to go to Heaven n' Eggs, however, they already closed. Ergh. So, we ate there at 10AM, didn't leave til about 12-ish. Then we went to Katipunan and hung out there. It was fun. It felt like I was totally happy. Then he had to go to frisbee, and well, I ended up going to Galleria on my own. Ugh. But, it was nice. I got to think for myself. Inquire about party invitations for my sweet 16, which was lots of fun! But it's a $100 for 50 invites. Over priced much? Or just right? I can't tell. But either way, I'm having a spa party. That should be fun. I'm excited for it. Yoga, manicures and pedicures, swimming, finger food, massages; that sounds just damn fabulous to me. Plus, a mini cake! Yay me! I recently reminded myself that I have to be up at 4AM Philippines time for a video chat with the team. Greeeaaaat. I'm hella tired to. But, what can I do? I made a damn commitment. So, I think I'll be seeing C again this Saturday. We may be going to Greenhills. I love it there. It's always so damn relaxing. Hmmm, what to wear? Ah well, I have all week to decide.

I really hope he didn't dislocate his shoulder again. -_-

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Untitled 1

You know, no matter how much I say "I miss SF." or "I want to go back to SF already." And no matter how much I whine about being here in the Philippines, it always breaks my heart when I think about leaving this beautiful country. Sure, I've had my share of bad experiences, but I love it here. I also love SF. The idea of not living in SF breaks my heart. But the idea of leaving my sister, brother, and Mom here in the Philippines, breaks my heart even more. It crumples it up.

Does this confuse you?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Boredom 101

Ugh. I'm tired and I can't sleep. Not to mention the fact that I am very BORED. I need something to do. I'm being whiny again.

So, HE apologized. Well, tried to. I wasn't really paying attention to much of it. Then I got an offline message from him. I'm not really sure what to do with it. At the beginning I was only really mad at him to punish him. Now, it's kind of for funsies. That's really cruel, but it's true. There's not much I can do about that. OK, so there's a lot that I can do about that, I guess I'm just choosing not to. He hurt my feelings in more ways then one. I never did anything to him. And he made me cry. Frankly, he can go [excuse my French] fuck himself with something long, hard, and sand papery. But then again, he may just like that. Eugh.

Whatever, I am tired of all this bullshit. But, new stress has arrived. Oh joys. -_-

Friday, July 3, 2009

If it helps

I am tired. I am very tired. I'm being whiny. Eff that.

Friday, June 26, 2009

For My Birthday...

Instead of having a big blowout shebang kind of thing, I would like music. Lots and lots of music. Plus some awesome other stuff. ;D
My wish list is:

1. An original VINYL record of Michael Jackson's - Thriller.
2. An original VINYL record of The Beatles - White Album, Penny Lane, Magical Mystery Tour, or Sgt. Pepper and the Lonely Heart's Club Band. [Either one of these would be EXCELLENT]
3. An original VINYL record of John Lennon's - Imagine.
4. Shoes from Stella Luna.
5. An instant film Polaroid Camera [plus film would be awesome].
6. A VINYL record of Nirvana - Bleach
7. A VINYL record of The Velvet Underground and Nico
8. A VINYL record of Kanye West - 808's and Heartbreak Album
9. A VINYL record of Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career Album
10. A VINYL record of Weezer - Red Album

or you can say screw all of that and get me a Dalmatian puppy. Tee hee. ;D

Mind you this list is going to be updated constantly. Check back for more updates.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh what a world we live in...

I'm sure we've all heard of the atrocities on going in Iran. The Iranian government has forced all international news groups to leave the nation. The government thought that it would be a way to keep the protests ongoing silent and within closed doors. They thought wrong.

Iran has the largest community of bloggers in the world. Also, once the Taliban came in, everyone in the nation was given an education. This means that almost every citizen in Iran is literate. This means that they are smart people, they know what is going on and they want an end to it. Many are saying that the presidential election Iran was rigged. A part of me agrees with them, but who am I to say anything about that? I am not a citizen of Iran at all. In fact, I am a teenage girl witnessing these atrocities on the Internet. What does this mean? It means that if the people of Iran are posting the happenings on YouTube[TM] or on Twitter[TM] it means that they are using their voice. Kudos to them for a world wide protest against their government.

What they are doing is something that I find to be very insightful. But, why? Mainly because of their bravery of bringing in a camera to film everything that is ongoing to keep the world in tune with them, to let the world know how terrible things are there. I find that insightful. What I find honorable is that the citizens of Iran are risking life and limb every time they step out their doors for a protest. They risk being shot or beat by the Iranian police. All of these can be seen on the Internet. The citizens are tweeting, they are posting videos on YouTube. It's a viral world now. Getting information from one person to another is faster and easier. Iran is using their voice. They are asking the world for help. And world, I think it's high time that we give them the help that they need.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Well, joy.

Well, today was just the same old thing. Woke up, went to the gym, went home. Just like every damn day I've been here. I need change. I need something new to do. As whiny as it may sound, I am whining. It's extremely unattractive, but this is the interweb! I do what I want. I just wish that there was more to do. For example, go out. And enjoy myself. Hell, last week, I only didn't go to the gym for ONE DAY. ONE DAY. It was Wednesday, I went to the gym every damn day after that. Including Saturday and Sunday. Fuck, this isn't whining anymore, this is just a rant.

I'M GETTING TIRED OF THE GYM. I love it there, I feel in control there, but hell, it's getting tiring. Yoga at 2PM tomorrow. Yay me? Not so sure anymore. I love yoga, I really do. I need a gym buddy. I need a GYM BUDDY. Yes, I have a trainer, but come on, I can't talk to only him! Sides, I think I may be around him to much considering the fact that I well, did something stupid in the car ride home. Let me explain.

So, I'm in the car ride home and I was talking to my sister. She came to pick me up after school and well, what happened was, I was telling her about my conversation with my trainer. My trainer has two kids, different mums. So, I was telling her about how I asked him what he did for father's day. And unknowingly, I spoke and I was talking exactly like him accent and all. Did I notice? HELL NO. Did my sister laugh at me? HELL YES.


I need something to do this summer. I can't go on like this ALL SUMMER.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I think I may need to take a break from going to the gym so often. Hahaha. I've been going to the gym daily except for Wednesday. That's the only day I didn't go to the gym. But, I have a gym appointment tomorrow. Ergh. Eh, who cares. Maybe I'll be able to have a Choco Banana from Fruit Magic or go to Jugo Juice after. Then do some grocery at Healthy Options. Yay me!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I've become a snob to other gyms. My only belief is that Fitness First is the best gym in this country. Ergh.

I can't help it! Fitness First is soo awesome.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Why did it get weird?

OK. Things between Babe and I feel awkward. On my end at least. The only reason I'm still calling him "Babe" is because I don't know why. Possibly to hide his identity on the interweb, but I don't personally call him that anymore. I guess the only time I'm actually gonna call him Babe is if we're ever going to be a WE which mind you, is doubtful. Would I? I'm only here for two months, then what? Do I get my heart broken? Do I try and make a long distance relationship of 6000 miles work? We talked a lot about how long distance relationships are doomed for failure. Fuck. That's literally all that is on my mind. FUCK.

You know, I was at the mall today and I was at Gloria Jean's while waiting for the driver to pick up S and I. Well, to say the least, the driver took forever. While I was deciding on my order, in he walks. He's going to the gym. The gym is on the lower level and well, S says, "Amanda look away!" I turn and see him, thankfully he doesn't see me and I run out the door like the biggest damn coward in the whole damn world. How effing pathetic is that?! Seriously. I can't even talk to him properly without wondering WHAT IF? Ugh. I'm gonna go shower. Night.

I don't know if I'm mentally stable. I'd love to be with him though. Even if it would hurt me.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I could really use a hug right now. :\

Monday, June 15, 2009

A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're half-asleep.

So, I had a dream last night. The main star in my dream was Babe. Quel suprise. This is the very first time that he's ever been in my dreams at all. Oh, did I tell you? He found out I had a cigarette and didn't talk to me for several days until I called him properly and told him what happened. All good now I suppose. Now, where were we? Ah, the dream. I had a dream that Babe and I were a couple. And it was nice. He held my hand like a gentleman. Kissed me gently. And, do you know when a guy holds you from behind and wraps his arms around you and locks hands with yours? Yeah, he did that too in my dream. The strange thing is, I liked it. I normally don't see him in that way. And in my brain things are like this. Disney said it, "A dream is a wish your heart makes. When you're half-asleep."

Doesn't that make you wonder? Even in the slightest bit? Yes. No. Maybe so.

Would I really go out with him? I doubt I would. I mean come fucking on in his car, we talked about how long distance relationships are doomed for failure. And now this. Plus fucking Disney is the farthest thing from helpful.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kaskade on Saturday? Ooer.

Day 4
Went to the gym with S and well, worked out. Yoga was psychotic. I am definitely not used to that kind of yoga. Usually, it's pose, hold, then new pose. This one was non-stop changing of poses. I was like, huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! But, overall, a very good workout. Then, my sister and I did cardio for a while. I ran a mile, stopped, then went on a stationary bike and did two miles. Then I went to a different bike, and did another mile. I feel proud. Then, I went home got dressed and went to Greenhills with K and talked a bunch. I had dinner at Yoshinoya. BLECH. But, indulgence and the only one for this year. I wanna be skinny. So, I got home and talked to Babe online about going out on Saturday because I don't exactly want to go to my Grandma's house even though, I'll eventually have too. But, I can leave early. Mean yes, but I want to go out. So, Babe and I might go out and watch Kaskade live in Manila this Saturday at the Embassy Super Club. ;D

Did I mention that he scolded me about smoking? Ugh. But then he told me to stop. And unfortunately he's one of the few people I truly listen too. UGH.

Maybe I can do it in secret????

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I feel sore.

So, I arrived in Manila on June 7. Yay me. Right? Possibly.

Day 1
Went to Greenhills with S and had breakfast at Bizu and lunch at Cibo. We hung out there for so long, we even did groceries. Yay us! I miss Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and World Market. Unimart is so depressing! It is beyond depressing, it is suicidal! No fun colors, friendly employees, or organic/vegetarian food. UGH. So, when I got home, I invited the girls to sleep over. We went swimming and had lots of fun. Yay us again!

Day 2
So, the girls were still here and well, yeah we had fun. Haha. But moving on, after just chilling out here for a while K and I went to the gym while her little sister went swimming at school. Then, I ran on that damn treadmill for hella long. I even did a bunch of other workouts and I am still sore. I wanna go back to the gym!!! Agh. Haha. So, after that I went home and K and her sister went to choir practice. I then passed out at around 9:30PM while waiting for my Mom and Brother to arrive from the airport. They were on business in China. So, my brother comes into my room in the middle of the night to wake me up. So I'm like, ugh. You woke me up. Loser. But moving on, he got me this really cool attachable lens thing. It's awesome. Hard to explain what it is - so I won't explain it at all. I then went back to sleep.

Day 3
Woke up at like 7:14 AM. Chilled out and had a yummy brekkie. Watched TV for so long because I had nothing else to do. I was just really killing time until it was time for me to get ready and go out with Babe. K on the other hand came over unexpectedly. She was crying. Well, we took care of that. I felt so guilty about going out with Babe. I wanted to break my plans with him and just chill with K. But did K let me? No. I felt guilty hanging out with Babe the entire time. Aiyah. So, Babe and I watched Night at the Museum 2 and had lunch at Cibo. I'm vegetarian. They had good food. :D

Who knows what I'll be doing tomorrow. xD


Thursday, June 4, 2009


It's summer. It doesn't necessarily feel like it. But, I know it is summer and I'm loving it.

I'm leaving for Manila tomorrow and I'm sad to leave. I made great friends this year and I'm so stable. I was genuinely excited for summer this year - until I found out I was going to Manila.

It's not that I don't want to go to Manila, I do. But, I would've had a better summer if I just stayed here. My friends are going to Great America. I'm missing out on my Forensics Camp with the team.

But, I am going to have a good summer.

I got lots of hugs today at the mall. It made me smile. Especially when I got a hug from my bestest friend who claims he doesn't give hugs. He gave me two hugs. I smiled even wider. I'm gonna miss him the most this summer. Who am I gonna call when I can't sleep? But, there is always AIM and I'll talk to him there.

If I could go out with him, I would. But, he'll never be ready.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Yeah. That's how I feel.

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you
Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.
I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down
I want to come to

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you

Sunday, May 17, 2009


If you really think about it, today sucked. This week will suck. PERIOD.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Movie Day Today.

You know, this would be a nice tradition. Every Saturday, see a new movie with friends. Last week, it was Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. Very good movie, who knew?! I'll be honest, I've seen so many new movies this month it makes it awesome! I remember seeing Fast and the Furious, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, and today I should be watching Angels and Demons. Shouldn't that be totally 100% awesome?

I dunno, I think it will be. And I like how I'm starting to have a set group of friends. Seeing them during lunch. Then hanging out with them on the weekends. Things are starting to look up for me. But I still feel like something is missing from my life. But I just don't know what it is. Kind of getting on my nerves if you ask me. Grr. -_-

Friday, May 15, 2009


I am going to be watching Angels and Demons with my friends tomorrow. This makes me happy. I don't usually hang out with my friends and well, the fact that I do that now, makes my life feel a little bit more complete. I still feel something is missing though. I can't place my finger on it, but there's something missing. It's getting on my nerves. That's for sure.

Oh missing piece in my life. What art thou?!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


That's it. I don't care anymore. School is my biggest focus now. Nothing else. One more thing, I don't like him like that. Ugh. I don't like anyone in that way right now. I just got a little confused. That's all. Get over yourself people.

One thing is for sure though, I NEED A DUO PARTNER.

Oh and guess what I like you. But not that one person that all of you people think of. It's someone else. :P

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Listen, I've got a secret.

Do I? Do I really? No. but the title was catchy and I was also thinking about The Beatles at the exact same time. So, I do have a secret. But I don't want to tell you. So, yes, this post is very contradictory. Now, I'm gonna be a pompous ass for a while and vent about the very first C+ I got on an essay.

But seriously, me?! A C+?! A C+?! Of all the grades in the world on an ESSAY I might add, a C+?! Why a C+?! I turned in a very good paper! The intro was fabulous! Arguments were right on key! So, I was missing some components but at least a B! Never in my life have I received a C+ on a paper. I was so humiliated.

However, onto lighter matters. I have plenty of school work to do that can and will drown me in papers.

Oh, I feel giddy. I almost got a ride from OOER. ;)

I'm gonna post more random stuff later.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


OK, so the story is girl likes boy? Ok, so girl isn't sure. She refuses to confront her feelings. You see, girl and boy are best friends. Doesn't that make things complicated for ya? Why, yes it does. Here, he remembers everything the girl tells him, but forgets everything else. Their friends seem to think that they are perfect for each other. They think otherwise. Does this make sense to you? Not so much to me. Anyone willing to explain?

Monday, May 11, 2009

I wish...

I wish that I was introduced to death at a younger age. Just so I knew how to deal with it when I got older.

I know it's been nearly 3 weeks since it happened. But I haven't really known how to talk about it properly. But, JJ, I really miss you.

I hope that you know that. People are a lot happier now. That's for sure. But there is still an air of tension. We miss you a lot. We know you're in a better place now. I'm writing you a screenplay. It's pretty much, about you. And what happened after. I hope you don't mind.

We love you. <3

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Five Times In a Row Must Mean Something

So, there's this card thing that predicts the future. Or something like that. In this card thing, it shows which guy loves you, who you love, and who you'll marry.

Who I will marry, I got him five times in a row.

Who I loved, I got him three times in a row.

Who loves me, I got him, four times in a row.

Is this fate? Or is it some weird coincidence? Does it mean something more?

I love him to death, but not in that way. He's my best friend. Is it supposed to be something more?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Won't you call my number? Don't push but don't hesitate.

It's been a while. I know that it has been a very long time since I posted. Sorry for the super hiatus. It's just, a lot of stuff has happened to me and I just needed to get away and clear my head. I needed to literally get away from everything. Well, don't worry everyone; I shall be posting again soon. Not as often as I used to as I still need to work somethings out in my head that aren't quite up to par yet. So - yeah. Let's do this thing. :]

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Winter Ball Anyone?

"Teen Vogue Strapless Dress"

"Evening Glitter Party Pleated Slip Dress"

Ok, so Winter Ball is next week, so I guess it's time to choose a dress. Help me choose please? Please answer the poll on the side to help. :]

All taken from:

Va-Va-Voom. It is Betsey Johnson.

Spring 2009 Ready-to-Wear. Well, my favorite look of her show, is what she's wearing. La-la-la-love it! It is Betsey Johnson herself.

Taken from:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Today was a good day.

Don't worry, I didn't wear socks. I wore black patent flats. It was just really cold this morning so I wore socks! It made me comfy. Haha. Anywhosies, I watched He's Just Not That Into You again, I WANT MY OWN ALEX. Grrr. But oh well.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am LOVING Fashion Week.

Michael Kors Fall 2009 Look 38

Taken from:
Model: Jessica Stam [No agency provided]

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall 2009

Now, if only real guys could dress like this. /Sigh.

Taken from:

Model: Daniel [No last name or agency given]

iVlog 2

I vlog . . . again.

Good Morning!

Isn't it lovely to be greeted with the Spring 2009 Jean Paul Gaultier Couture Line? Loving Look 3.

Model is: Tara Gill (VIVA)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Late Night Boredom at it's best.

Haha. Thanks for taking the screenshot Hedy! Haha.

Now this is how you dress for Winter Formals.

Dakota Fanning and friends posing before their Winter Formal.
Ladies, when dressing for Winter Formal, try looking like that.

Taken from Dakota Fanning's Personal MySpace.
Yes, I do have permission.

3.1 Philip Lim Clutch

Uber fab attache clutch from 3.1 Philip Lim

Good Morning.

Marc Jacobs Fall 2009 Ready to Wear, Look 1

It's cold here in cloudy as fuck San Francisco, but who am I to talk? I love it. Anywho, today is another day. And yes, today is another school day.
Model: Kamila Filipcikova

Monday, February 16, 2009

Rachel Comey Popcorn Dress

Bubble hem "popcorn" dress with oversize pocket detail at sides in two lovely shades of finely embroidered fabric. Bodice is white with black and blue embroidery, skirt is beige with yellow and grey embroidery. Unlined. Small self-fabric belt ties at waist.

Found via

Sigrid Agren

She is just fab! I am loving her!

Photo taken from:

Valentino Spring 2009

Valentino Spring 2009 Looks Number 1, 11, and 16. They are in chronological order.

Taken from:
Look 1:
Sigrid Agren (ELITE)
Look 11: Karlie Kloss (NEXT)
Look 16:
Vlada Roslyakova (WOMEN)

Givenchy Spring 2009

Forever loving Givenchy. Spring 2009. Look Number 7.

Taken from
Sigrid Agren (ELITE)

I Vlog!

Bliggity Blah.

I got bored. There's nothing much to do today. :\

Lunch Break!

Well, I'm at forensics rehearsals. Über funsies, well sort of. Today is not going as planned.

Outfit of the Day.

Ugh. I look like shit.

Shoes: Toms Shoes Brown Wrap Boots
Leggings: H&M
Sweater: H&M

Good Morning.

Blech. I woke up early. Guess why! That's right, forensics rehearsals. No one in their right mind should be waking up at 8:30AM on a day when there is no school.

Agh. Tournament Wear.

I am so not wearing those flats. They're ugly as fuck. I'm gonna wear my round toe black pumps. Not the patent ones.


Outfit courtesy of Topshop!
Shoes are from Dorothy Perkins.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

There's no school tomorrow. What to do?

Blazer: Zara
Top: Topshop
Undershirt: Target
Leggings: H&M
Shoes: Jessica Simpson


The uber fab Wrap Boot from Toms Shoes. I own a pair. You can get them from the website or from the store Therapy on Valencia St. her in lovely San Francisco.